Okay first; I had one of the greatest weekends... Yesterday I went shopping with a girlfriend from work and got a bunch of fun things for life in Japan. For example a yoga mat :) then today I had to go to work, even thought it's my day off, I am being observed by our district trainer tomorrow and I wanted to prep a few things for my lesson (such a hard worker... lol!)So while at work, one of my colleagues(slash/ yoga buddy) gave me these "toe" socks... I know it sounds odd to get excited about, but in our yoga class they do these funny toes stretches..lol... I know! But everyone else had these "toe" socks and were all getting into their toe stretches. We laughed about it after class because we didn't get the full "toes stretch" with our normal socks on... lol, I know this is soo lame and random, but I'm getting a kick out of it:)
Then I go into our office and find that my wonderful mother has sent be another package, (the first one was for some ski things- I'm going snow boarding on Thursday with some friends:)
Oh also I forgot- before I went to work, I stopped by the second-hand store by my house and found this super cute lil couch! and p.s they delivered:0 I've been dying to get something to sit on besides these horribly uncomfortable chairs...
So I get home and open up all my goodies...!!! SOOO FUN!!! Check it out...
I mean really... how great is my mom!!! Home made cookies, candy, a teddy bear, Starbucks coffee, and Martha Stewart Living... does it get any better than that...oh wait, it does, GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!!!!
Well, after I got so excited from my fun V-Day package... I decided to cook dinner!
Well, I have to say, It was pretty good :)
you be the judge...
Well, what do you think...?
I have to say though, I think I understand why single people don't cook...
I have so much left over! Anyone hungry?
Okay hope all is well with everyone! I'll be back with Tokyo and hopefully my snow boarding trip :)
Ja ne ( talk to you later)
toe-socks. Sounds like a great idea - I'll have to look for them here for my yoga class. I sent Katie girl scout cookies too. Great mom's think alike.