Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Japanese New Year's Wreaths

So as I browsed around different malls and shops around the end of December, I noticed a large population of these types of straw/bamboo wreaths! At first I didn't know what they were for, but thought, "Hey, they are everywhere, they must be important!", So I bought one for my family and sent it on it's way! I later asked a friend at work what they were for (lol) and she explained they were New Year's wreaths! Families place them on their doors on New Year's day and leave them up until the 10th when they are promptly removed! (apparently it is bad luck to leave them up any longer than the 11th!!!) - so take this as an extra reminder mom...! I just thought I would post some pictures of a few I noticed on local businesses on New Year's day...

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1 comment:

  1. Oh no--I think I have my wreath hung upside down
    I hope that isn't bad luck! LOL
